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Sparsh Women's Hospital & IVF Center

Laparoscopic Surgery

Best Laparoscopy Hospital in Mumbai Naka, Nashik

A laparoscopy is a type of surgery that checks for problems in the abdomen or a woman’s reproductive system. Laparoscopic surgery uses a thin tube called a laparoscope. It is inserted into the abdomen through a small incision. An incision is a small a cut made through the skin during surgery. The tube has a camera attached to it. The camera sends images to a video monitor. This allows a surgeon to view the inside of the body without major trauma to the patient. Laparoscopy treatment is a type of surgical .this procedure is also known as keyhole surgery.

Sparsh Hospital is the Best Laparoscopy hospital in Mumbai Naka, Nashik. This hospital provides the most cutting-edge laparoscopy treatments with expert surgeons and use advanced treatment.

Modern surgical methods include laparoscopic surgery, often known as minimally invasive surgery, bandage surgery, or keyhole surgery. Comparing laparoscopic surgery to an exploratory laparotomy has a lot of benefits for the patient. Smaller incisions result in less pain, less bleeding, and quicker healing times. A laparoscope, a long fibre optic cable system that enables observation of the damaged area by snaking the cable from a more remote but more accessible position, is the crucial component.

The modern trend in surgery is moving away from the traditional open surgery to the minimally invasive surgery. This is done thoracoscopically or laparoscopically. The chest or the abdominal cavity is open during the traditional surgery. In thoracoscopy surgery, a small incision is made in the chest and in laparoscopic surgery, a small incision is made in the abdominal cavity.

Many surgical instruments are used during these surgeries, which are different from the traditional ones. Thoracoscopy involves the use of telescopic viewing instruments which are inserted into the chest cavity through a small cut. Laparoscopic instruments are inserted through small incisions in the abdominal cavity.

If you have any doubts visit the Best Laparoscopy hospital in Mumbai Naka, Nashik and get them cleared.

What are the advantages of laparoscopy?

Putting it all together following are advantages
of laparoscopic surgery:

Laparoscopy Procedures