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Gynecological Surgery

Best Gynecologist Surgeon in Pathardi Phata, Nashik

Before we jump into the nitty-gritties of the various surgical procedures discussed under the collective heading of the term gynecological surgery, we must define the term first. Gynecological surgery, in simpler words, refers to surgical procedures performed on female reproductive system parts[i]. Parts, here, refer to the vagina, cervix, uterus, fallopian tubes, and ovaries. Dr. Bangar’s the Best Gynecologist Surgeon in Pathardi Phata, Nashik they provide the best gynecology treatment at the Sparsh Hospital based in Nashik. However, gynecological surgeries are a little more complex than the simplified version of events that you just read. More often than not, gynecological surgeries involve procedures on a female’s urinary tract as well.

We are cognizant of the fact that while this introduction does help in familiarizing one with the concept of gynecological surgery, it is nowhere near enough in terms of adequacy. Hence, to cover all the important aspects related to these surgeries, we are going to discuss them one by one in the following sections.

Common gynecological surgeries


Colposcopy is a procedure used to view the uterus and vaginal opening. Magnification of images is the primary goal of colposcopy. If tissue samples are taken for examination in the lab, then the procedure is termed as a cervical biopsy. Colposcopy is mostly prescribed to assist in the treatment of polyps, genital warts, and DES.


This is an abbreviation for dilation and curettage, a surgical procedure used to remove abnormal tissues found in the uterus region. As you might have guessed from the term, the first step in this surgical procedure is that of dilation of the cervix. In the next step, your surgeon will use a spoon-shaped tool to scrape out the endometrium. Endometrium, in case you are not aware, is the medical term used for uterus lining. Alternatively, D&C suction can also be used to remove the abnormal contents.


This is a gynecological surgery type in which the uterus is removed. However, the scope of the surgery is not limited to the uterus only. Ovaries as well as fallopian tubes can also be removed through a hysterectomy. The reasons because a hysterectomy might be prescribed are numerous. Some common reasons for this gynecological surgery are fibroids, endometriosis, uterine bleeding, and uterine prolapse.


This is a surgical procedure in which a part of the cervix but not the entire uterus is removed. In the radical version of the surgery, surrounding tissues are removed as well.


In this type of gynecological surgery, the vaginal wall is repaired surgically. It is one of the more common gynecological surgeries since the procedure is an effective one in the treatment of hernias.

If you have any doubts visit the best Gynecologist Surgeon in Pathardi Phata, Nashik and get them cleared.